Modernist Cuisine Shop FAQs


What happens if I decide to cancel my preorder?

You will need to cancel your order prior to the book shipping, so as not to be charged a processing fee.

Will my credit card be charged immediately after I preorder or when the book ships?

Your credit card will be charged at checkout. We will notify you when the book ships.


Pricing and Shipping

Will I receive tracking information for my books?

Yes, you will receive an email confirmation with a tracking number.

Do you ever offer discounts or special deals for your books?

Occasionally we may offer special deals and discounts on books which will appear on the website through e-mail promotions. You can sign up for our mailing list here.


Damaged Books

What if I notice that my book is damaged?

We must be notified within 30 days of when you receive your book. Please contact us via email at When you email us, we kindly ask that you include pictures of your damaged book as well as proof of purchase.

Can I return my purchase?

All purchases are final. If you receive a damaged book, please email us at